October 31 1517: Martin Luther and the Day that Changed the World by Martin E. Marty (Paperback)

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In this commemorative year, the Reformation is the subject of movies such as the American Public Television seriesThe Reformation: This Changed Everything, museum exhibits at The Morgan Library and Museum, and the Minneapolis Museum of Art and many other festivals and programs across the country. This book by Martin Marty is a wonderful companion resource for the year.

Martin Marty answers the question: Why is the Reformation relevant today?

Rather than a historical narrative of Reformation events, he explains in this accessible book the issues that led to Luther’s posting of the 95 Theses, their implications for the Church and world . . . and most importantly, how this impacts us devotionally as Christians of any denomination. As one of the world’s preeminent Luther scholars, Martin Marty also explores the concept of repentance as a central theme of the Theses. In a foreword, James Martin, SJ, offers context and a shared vision.

This year began with the joint ecumenical commemoration in Lund, Sweden, on October 31, 2016, attended by Pope Francis and members of the Lutheran World Federation and other Christian churches. Martin Marty explains how this event, and indeed all ecumenical dialogue that has happened over the past few hundred years and will happen in this coming year, represents a change of heart.

Includes the 95 Theses of Martin Luther

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